2024 Rotary Academic Banquet
On Wednesday, April 17th, the Ashland Rotary Club honored this year's top academic juniors and seniors. To earn this recognition, the student had to be in the top 10% of their class. The students were provided a meal, awarded a certificate, and received an inspiring message from Ashland-Greenwood Middle School teacher Kristi Bundy. Congratulations to the recipients!
Grady Holtz
Carver Konzem
Alexander Marzouk
Gabriella McAdams
Joslyn Sargent
Ellie Stein
Audrey Whitehead
Isaac Carson
Mira Comstock
Paige Comstock
Lauren Gerdes
Elliot Gossin
Dane Jacobsen
Jadah Laughlin
Alivia Pike
Ambrees Schefdore
Paige Williams