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Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools


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Back to School Made Easy - School Supplies List

As we get ready for Back-to-School inside the buildings, we also know that you are getting ready, too.  We want to make that easy for you, so here are the links for Back-to-School supplies lists for each school. We can't wait to see you all back at AGPS.

PreK/Elementary School Supplies List - /vimages/shared/vnews/stories/64bea2f0d8f4c/Supply List 24-25-Final.pdf

Middle School Supplies List - https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vR82QhLPo82UA5kBr9p0JJFmVxfumdm9Hfn1ehAQxLvDQpmVlytblPxY549QxnrUws30pn1077obHaW/pub

High School Supplies List - /vimages/shared/vnews/stories/64bea2f0d8f4c/Supply List High School.pdf

#RaiseTheBar #GoBluejays!

Back to School Made Easy - School Supplies List

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